FilingZone | Register your Trademark with USPTO

Trademark Info

What Do You Want To Trademark or Copyright?

Drag your logo here or click to upload

*The information you provide here is just for us to get the process started. We’ll be in touch shortly to go over the details, and you’ll have ample opportunity to review and revise everything.

Trademark Owners Information

Enter Owner Of Trademark Information

Select Your Package

Basic Package + USPTO FILING FEE

$49.00 $98.00

  • Case Review
  • Case Filing
  • Direct Hit Search
  • Trademark Alert
  • Trademark Secured
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Standard Package + USPTO FILING FEE

$149.00 $298.00

  • Case Review
  • Case Filing
  • Direct Hit Search
  • Trademark Alert
  • Trademark Secured
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Refusal Risk Meter

Deluxe Package + USPTO FILING FEE

$199.00 $398.00

  • Case Review
  • Case Filing
  • Direct Hit Search
  • Trademark Alert
  • Trademark Secured
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Refusal Risk Meter
  • Trademark Monitoring
  • Complete Documentation
  • Digital File
  • Dedicated Case Manager

Platinum Package + USPTO FILING FEE

$349.00 $698.00

  • Case Review
  • Case Filing
  • Direct Hit Search
  • Trademark Alert
  • Trademark Secured
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Refusal Risk Meter
  • Trademark Monitoring
  • Complete Documentation
  • Digital File
  • Dedicated Case Manager
  • 100% Approval Guarantee
  • Comprehensive Trademark Search Report (Federal & State)
  • 24 Hrs. Expedited Service
  • cease & desist letter

You are almost done! Now just pick the processing speed that is right for you.


Since you ordered a paid search, we will send you your search results before the end of the next business day (as long as you have sent us your specimen) and file your application as soon you confirm your order after you receive your results and provide us with any additional necessary information.


Your Order Summary:

We will conduct a comprehensive trademark search and provide you with our registrable assessment.

Brand Name or Tag Line
No package selected $0.00
Expedited Processing $0.00

Agreement & Checkout


Total Due Now: $0.00

Secure Image