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Trademarks for free

The world's most trusted company in Trademark Registration. Our best trademark filing starts at $99*. File today.


Trademarks since 2009


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Rated 4.6/5 by 1000+ users

Rated 4.8/5 by 1000+ users

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Before you start your trademark filing process, you can search to ensure that your trademark is available and unique.

FilingZone is the world's largest search engine for Trademarks.

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United States

4 Million+ Trademarks


2 Million+ Trademarks

European Union

2 Million+ Trademarks

United Kingdom

2 Million+ Trademarks

Explore trademarks filed by competing companies

Search for when trademark owners file, abandon, or renew trademarks for free.

Trademark registration starts from

$99 + Govt Fee

Register Now
  • File in 180+ countries
  • Finish application in 5 minutes
  • Attorney-led filing
  • World's most trusted trademark service

Patent filing starts from

$199 + Govt Fee

Business incorporation starts from

$49 + Govt Fee

Register your trademark in 3 simple steps

Secure monopoly rights for your trademark.

  • Select trademark type

    Choose whether you want to trademark a Name, Logo, Sound or Slogan.

  • Trademark details

    Describe what products or services you offer.

  • Select countries

    Choose from 180+ countries to file your trademark in.

Peace of mind promise with Trademark Insurance

Insure your trademark for just $99.

We guarantee that your trademark will get registered, or we'll refund our legal fees.*

Start registering your trademark

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Trademark Registration


Direct-Hit Search

The federal USPTO database provides exact matches for live and pending applications.

Federal Filing with the USPTO

File your application with the USPTO electronically without waiting for mail or paper files.

Electronic Delivery

Get your registered trademark conveniently through electronic delivery.


Trademark Search


Trademark Search

The federal search checks for similar names, logos, and slogans already registered with or pending at the USPTO.

State Search

The state search function is applicable to all 50 states.

Detailed Online Report

It provides you with all the relevant information and matches to plan your next move.

Trademark Monitoring


Systematic Monitoring

Our advanced technology helps to closely monitor potential infringements.

No Limits on Detections or Takedowns

Our monitoring system is constantly alerted to detect and evaluate any possible violations.

Monthly Report

Get a complete and detailed overview of all the important findings from our monitoring activities.

80,000+ trademarks registered by us

See what our customers think about us

With it was fast, I was served with cordiality and a lot of professionalism, they know how to do everything.


Thank you so much for your help with this trademark approval. Jason has been an amazing advocate for our Brand and am confident he will resolve our conflicting trademark positively for us. Thanks so much to Jason & FilingZone.

Susan H.

My experience so far has been great. Raj is my Lawyer and so far everything is going as planned. I am in the beginning stages but when complete will follow up.

Rachel D.

Alexis is amazing! I couldn't be happier with the guidance and support that she has provided me through this process and I definitely couldn't have done it without her. Thank you and Alexis so much.

Karen S

Working with FilingZone, our wonderful attorney, Alexis Campbell and having Tiffeena Kahn expedite this payment process has been a pleasure.

Renee P.

FilingZonemakes this trademark process easy and efficient. Michael Markos is so helpful

Joseph M

Great Customer Service From Attorney Alexis Campbell!..She Is Outstanding!..Many Thanks!..

Juan Pineda Sanchez

Site was incredibly easy to use; I thought this process to apply for a trademark was complicated and involved a lot of information was not.

Fiona E.

Excellent service! I’ve used FilingZonethree times now and they’ve always been great. Very responsive customer service & pleasant to deal with. Straightforward process.

Remmy Warren

Attorneys with you on every step

Joanne Mafunda Moyo

Kefei Wu

Mark C. McLeod

Tatyana Constancio Nunes de Lima

Frequently Asked Questions

To register your trademark, you will need to pay legal preparation fees and government filing fees per country. For a typical trademark application in the United States, the standard rate fees start at $99 for legal fees per classification. Additionally, you will need to pay the government $350 for government filing fees per classification. During the evaluation of your trademark application by the government, if there are any challenges by the government or private parties because of potentially confusingly similar trademarks, you will need to pay an office action response fee if you wish for an attorney to draft a response on your behalf. Usually, this is between $279 and $899 depending on the complexity of the response required.

The purpose of using a trademark is to uniquely identify your products or services to potential customers. Federal registration of a trademark helps prevent competitors of your business from stealing your business name, logo, or slogan. Registration also protects you against misappropriation by confusingly similar marks used by competitors. Protecting your unique name, logo, or slogan in the form of a trademark is one of the most important investments in your business.

Once an application is filed, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) assigns an attorney to examine the proposed trademark. Under ideal circumstances, the process of registration takes around 6 months. The process can take several years if legal issues arise during the examination. If the trademark is approved, USPTO will issue either a Certificate of Registration (if you are already using the trademark) or a Notice of Allowance (if you intend to use the mark at a later date).

When you choose FilingZoneP.C., a licensed U.S. trademark attorney will manage your trademark filing. FilingZoneis the registered trade name of the law firm LegalForce RAPC Worldwide,, and is the largest trademark filing law firm in the United States. For a relatively low cost, you can elect to have an attorney at FilingZoneP.C. represent you in filing a trademark application. ($99 + government fee for the trademark filing service). With FilingZoneP.C. you gain the expertise of an experienced trademark law firm in helping you get the best protection possible and defend your rights.

Get your trademark today

Thousands have protected their brand by filing a trademark. What are you waiting for?
